The River Spey

The River Spey rises in the western Monadhliath Mountains, fifteen miles west of Newtonmore, and meanders east and north, sundering the Monadhliath range from the Cairngorms, and then flowing through the fertile Laigh o'Moray and the district called Strathspey until it meets the Moray Firth at Spey Bay. It is the fastest flowing river in Britain, and famous for its salmon fishing.

Speyside Malts' Characteristics
Speysides are essentially sweet whiskies. They have little peaty character (although some have a whiff of smoke) and their salient characteristic is estery - typically, this aroma is compared to pear-drops or solvent (nail varnish remover, particularly). They can be highly perfumed: scents of carnations, roses, violets, apples, bananas, cream soda and lemonade have all been discovered in Speyside malts.
They take maturation in sherry-wood well and can be rich and full bodied, medium and light-bodied.

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